Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Tamil Nadu - Rameshwaram

Ramanatha Swamy Temple

History :
     The temple and the island of Rameswaram have acquired this name because, Lord Rama worshipped Lord Shiva, the God of Gods here on return from Sri Lanka. According to legend, after killing Ravana Lord Rama returned with his consort Goddess Seetha to India first stepping on the shores of Rameswaram. To expiate the "dosha" of killing a brahmin, Lord Rama wanted to offer worship to Lord Shiva. Since there was no shrine in the island had despatched Sri Hauman to Kailash to bring an idol of Lord Shiva.
     Between 1897 and 1904, the ALAR family of Devakottai completed the imposing eastern tower of nine tiers 126 feet in height from Thiruppani funds. Between 1907 and 1925 they renovated the Sanctum Sanctorum and the prakaram(inner most corridor) by replacing the lime stones by black granite with adequate provision for light and ventilation and also arranged for the performance of Ashtabandana Kumbabishekam in 1925; then on 22-2-1947 and the third Ashtabandana Maha Kumbabishegam was performed on 5-2-1975.
World Famous Third Corridor :
     Outer Wing - East_West – 690 feet
     North-South - 435 feet
     Innerwing - East_West - 649 feet
     North-South - 395 feet
     Total number of pillars – 1212
     Height of Corridor – 22 feet 7 ½ inch
Second Corridor :
     During the construction of first corridor, it was decided to renovate the second corridor. The lime stone structure in Second corridor was dismantled and started granited stone work. But only compound wall in west side and one portion in north side of western wing in south gate was renovate. After that no Renovation work as done.
     Therefore, it was proposed to complete the Renovation work of Second Corridor by collecting Funds from the public. Between 1961 to 1985, the Renovation work of Second Corridor was taken up and completed the western side of Second Corridor and a portion in North and South side, from the Temple Renovation Fund. Now it has been proposed to complete the Renovation of Second Corridor which has been unfinished and the Renovation work is started now.
     The Sethupathy mandapam in front of the Temple’s Raja Gopuram9main Tower) was constructed by Ramanatha Sethupathy, a descendant of Ramnad Raja dynasty, with his own donation of Rs. 2,75,000 /-. This construction was started on 19-11-69 and completed on 11-2-74.
     It is also most essential to construct the North and South Gopurams. Shri Jagadguru Sringeri Peedathipathy and Shri jagadguru Kanchi Kamakoti Peedathipathy have given their kind blessings for the constructions of the North and South Gopurams of the Temple.

Rameshwaram is an island situated in the gulf of manner at the very tip of the Indian peninsula. A very important pilgrim centre of the Indians. Rameshwaram is the place from where Lord 

Rama, built a bridge across the sea to rescue his consort Sita, from her abductor, Ravana. This is also the place where Rama worshipped Lord Shiva to cleanse away the sin of killing Ravana. Both the Vaishnavites and Shaivites visit this pilgrimage which is known as the Varanasi the south. 

Visiting Rameshwaram is significant for the Hindus as a pilgrimage to Benaras is incomplete without a Pilgrimage to Rameshwaram. The presiding deity is the Linga Of Sri Ranganatha, which happens to be one of the twelve Jyotirlingas of India. Rameshwaram is also popularly referred to as the 'Benaras of the south'. In order to attain Moksha it is believed that the visit to Rameshwaram is mandatory.

  • Dhanushkodi
    Dhanushkodi named after Rama's bow, is at the eastern end of the island at a distance of 8 kms from Rameshwaram. The boulders around the sea between Srilanka and this place known as Adam's bridge, are believed to be used by Hanuman to reach across Srilanka. Dhhanushkodi was completely destroyed by the cyclones of 1964. Kothandaramaswamy temple is the only salvage of the cyclone. Idols of Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Hanuman and Vibhishana (brother of Ravana), surrendered to Rama, here.

Explore the adventure of Beach Activities at Rameshwaram: 
The beach at Rameshwaram is clam and quite and very rare sea species and coral reefs. There are many remarkable variety of marine species like algae, starfish, sea cucumber, crabs, sponges and sea cow are found here. Travelers can even enjoy the sight of dolphins. Tourists can get involved in swimming, sun bathing and also enjoy the sights of frolic dolphins. 

Can also opt for Sightseeing at Rameshwaram: 
Most of the people prefers to organize picnic at Rameshwaram. The majestic beaches of Dhanushkodi, Olaikuda, and Pamban are the most wonderful sights to organize the picnics. The Olaikuda beach is located at the distance of 1 kilometer from the main temple. Its the beach that is the best for bathing.

There's something Nature lovers also: 
Rameshwaram is the paradise for the nature lovers. Most favorite tourist activity in Rameshwaram is the Bird watching. Different variety of birds like Sea Gulls and Australian Flamingos which flies during the winters. The place is having different color, shapes and sizes. The chirping of these birds are also very much popular at Rameshwaram.

About Rameshwaram Shopping: 
Shopping for south silk sarees and Kanjiveeraum are the must buy things in Rameshwaram. 

PC :

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